But something else kept weighing on my mind. We have a handful of friends that are joyously expecting their first babe, and others who are not-so-patiently waiting for their turn. My mind kept drifting to the latter group. Mother's Day has to be a painful day for so many people. Those who have lost their moms, those who long to be a mom, those who have lost those that called them mom. It has to be one of the toughest days of the year.
Last year, I was so proud to stand up in church and be handed a rose on Mother's Day. I remember cradling my belly and beaming thinking of my little family. I was bummed we were going to miss church this Mother's Day, because I once again wanted to stand up and be recognized. Before we got pregnant, and especially while I was pregnant, I was so excited to be able to wear a 'Sunday School sticker' one day. It's what I call the stickers parents get when they drop their kid(s) off at nursery or Sunday School (for security purposes, of course). It shouts out to the rest of the church, "I'm a mom! I have a kid! I brought that kid with me this morning, and s/he's also learning about Jesus right now! Because I'M A MOM! And look how put together I am at CHURCH with my KID."
I was always expectantly excited to get to wear a sticker. Not once did I have to look at it and think "Will I ever get to wear one of those?" I thank God everyday that I am an outsider looking in on the subject, but I know that is the reality for so many people. Now on Mother's Day, a big piece of my heart aches for those. I pray that one day all who long to be a mom get the opportunity.
Now, I'm going to [try to] quit whining about not feeling "special" on Mother's Day and enjoy the fact that I am lucky enough to even celebrate the day.
Thank you for making me a mama, Aiden Grace. Being your mom is truly the greatest honor.
These two. Gosh. They're the best.
Happy Mother's Day to all! May 2016 be the year of the babes who are so longed for!