Baby #2 Updates

Monday, June 19, 2017

In typical second child fashion, I haven't been keeping track of hardly anything! Sorry, baby!

15 Weeks and Feeling Great! (March 28)
I would say my nausea completely stopped last week, but I had continually been feeling better since about week 11 or 12. Much better than with Aiden! I still have random rough moments (and still get carsick), but overall I'm feeling awesome! So awesome that I often forget I'm pregnant. I almost poured myself a glass of wine at my mom's house the other day!

By the way, they're right - that second one pops a lot faster! My pants haven't fit for a few weeks now.

Maggie got me this amazing pregnancy journal/devotional, Waiting in Wonder. It's a great way to get my morning's started - I really love it!

I'm starting to feel the little one flutter every now and then, which is exciting!

18 Weeks - The News is Out! (April 18)
Chris "Ludacris" Bridges was the Honorary Chair at this year's Taste of the Nation, so I took it upon myself to thoroughly creep him out so he could be part of our official announcement. Seriously, how cool is this?!

19 Weeks - Cruisin' (April 25)
Headed out on our long-awaited week long family cruise on April 22. I hung out on the boat the whole time (thanks a lot, Zika), but it was a great trip!!

Baby is really moving and grooving in there - I've felt the little pipsqueak a few times from outside my belly, and Adam thinks he has, too! Makes it seem so much more real.

20 Weeks - Don't Assume My Gender! (May 2)
Holy cow, halfway already! We went in for our anatomy scan on Thursday, May 4 and successfully didn't find out if our little babe is a boy or girl! It was a fun experience! The ultrasound tech told us to look away when she "went between the legs" and after I asked if she knew what we were having and she said, "I do!" Kind of weird that someone knows and not us. And most importantly, baby looks great and is measuring right on time! (Actually, his/her head is measuring like 2 days behind the rest of its body, so maybe that means this ones noggin won't be in the 98th percentile and easier to push out - cough AIDEN cough. The midwife thought that was a funny way to look at it.)

Sucking his/her little hand!

21 Weeks - Moving and Grooving (May 9)
Adam for real felt the little one move the night before Mother's Day (May 13)! Even though my placenta is in front again, I definitely started feeling this little one sooner and much more frequently. Celebrated my last (and second) Mother's Day with only one babe earth side!

24 Weeks - Feeling Huge (May 30)
How in the world am I supposed to fit 16 more weeks in this belly? Already feeling huge, but making it a priority to walk 20-30 minutes a day (read: making it a priority does not equal success). I also started doing these 10 minute prenatal yoga videos very night and I LOVE it. I feel very relaxed afterwards.