Emerson: A Letter to my one year old

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


You are officially ONE! (Plus one week, because I didn't send this on time.) Emerson Charlotte, you are a force to be reckoned with. You have made it clear since the moment you arrived that you are your own person. I wasn't sure how my heart could grow to love another child, but man did it ever! The moment you arrived - before I even knew you were a girl - I couldn't believe God had given me another perfect little human to mother. You arrived a full two pounds heavier than you sister, with blonde hair and dark eyes (which quickly turned blue). I think the first thing I said was "You don't look like Aiden!" And you have been making it clear since that moment that you are NOT you sister.

I love everything about you. You have the best giggle and when you smile, you smile with your entire face. You are strong-willed and I pray that God guides me on how to help nurture that strong-willed nature into His will. You have wanted to be on the move since the moment you were born and you sure have somewhere to go! (Although none of us, including you, know where exactly you're headed when you take off.) You love your sister and it's so fun to watch you guys really play together recently. It makes my heart want to explode that I have two little girls. I pray that you two are always the best of friends.You are a daddy's girl and I'm pretty jealous of all the great snuggles you give him. 

Emers, you are such a gift. One that I do not take for granted. It is my greatest honor to be your mom. I tell both of you girls this all the time, but I love you because you're MINE! I will always love you more than you will ever know. I pray that you always feel an overwhelming amount of love in your life, and that you know it comes only from God. We love because He first loved us. You were fearfully and wonderfully made by our perfect Father. Everything about you is exactly the way it should be, because He does not make mistakes. 

Happy first birthday, my love. I am overwhelmed with love when I look at you, and can't believe I get to keep celebrating you every September 18. A gift, indeed.


Emerson: One Year

Well, we made it! You are one year old. What a year it has been, little lamb. This month has reminded me how much FUN this age is.

  • She's trying to talk, saying mama, daddy, ba ba (bottle), bubboo (bubble), abba (Abba Father, when we pray she folds her little hands...sometimes), hi
  • She is a daddy's girl and he LOVES it.
  • She took her first beach trip! She loved the sand for about 10 minutes and then was OVER. IT. Daddy got to spend some quality time with her in the pool.
  • She loves to just walk around, especially outside.
  • As with any one year old, she loves to put everything in her mouth. Except vegetables. How convenient.
  • She thinks it's hilarious to pat people on the stomach.
  • If you ask her where her belly is, she'll pat her own belly. SO CUTE.
  • She fake coughs if you ask her if she's sick
  • She loves her baby doll.
  • She loves to play with her toys phones - she'll "answer them" and walk around.
  • Honestly, her favorite toy is whatever big sister is playing with. Neither one of them love sharing, which consistently leads to ear-piercing screams from Emerson and fits from Aiden. YAY.
  • She loves to come over to me when I'm laying down and sit on my stomach and bounce. She thinks it's hilarious. She also loves peek-a-boo, lady ride and patty cake.
  • She's as strong-willed as ever! 
  • She's coming in at 30.5" tall (89%) and weighs 21 lbs 8 oz (74%). 

Emerson, we love you! You are getting more fun and interactive by the day and we can't wait to watch you continue to grow into a little lady. I cannot believe you are already ONE!

Aiden, you are 3

Aiden Grace,

I've been putting this off, because I really don't understand how I'm supposed to sum everything up into a blog post. At this moment, I just wrapped up some work and you're currently playing "mommy and baby" alone in the bathtub with a water bottle. I believe the cap of the water bottle is the baby. I want to laugh and cry at the same time. Laugh because... what in the world?? And cry because witnessing your imagination come to life makes my heart want to explode.

You are pure JOY. You are the sweetest little girl with the most tender heart. I want to bottle up your little voice and play it on repeat. You love your sister (Ems!), even when she's not doing a great job learning how to share. You do the cutest little finger dance when you're excited about something. (For example, when you know you're about to get some M&Ms.) You could spend all day dancing and singing to just about any Disney Princess song, but especially "Let It Go" from Frozen. You always want to see yourself in the rear-view mirror in the car, and I have to remind you that's not exactly its purpose. You love "dips" - ranch (or as you call it, branch), salsa (my girl!), sour cream... I guess anything to make my cooking taste better? You love baby dolls and are the cutest little mommy. You are shy when you first meet someone, but if you're comfortable with them you are so silly. You are the most hilarious person I know (my current favorite statement of yours... "oh, gosh."). You keep us laughing all day (Tonight on the drive home, you were playing with your hair, which you just got cut today. "Mom, my hair is being crazy. Make my hair stop! My hair is being funny."). You can be cautious about some things, but are typically very brave. I'm always trying to talk to you about Jesus and I love to hear your sweet little voice recite the bible verses you're learning in church. Since you've turned 3 (literally the past month), you have started to throw whiny temper tantrums which are driving me crazy. But oh does the good outweigh those frustrating, teachable moments.

It is my greatest honor to be your mom. I think I tell you about a thousand times a day how much I love you. And why do I love you? Because you're MINE. There's nothing you could ever do, say or think that could change that. It's that simple. I will always love you, because God was kind enough to trust me to be your mom. You are such a gift and I thank God every day for finding me worthy to be your mom. But that's how God works. His grace is unending. He loves to give His children good gifts, simply because you are His.

Well, I guess I'll wrap this up because I don't know how to end this. YOU ARE AMAZING, CHILD.

(Now you're out of the bath, running around my room and shutting the blinds yelling "It's too sunny!")

A few quick highlights from your birthday. We celebrated with family and your neighbor friends donut-style a few weeks later.

Nonna and Papa stopped by with your birthday present before they headed off to Europe.

Morning fun with Anna Kate and Lainey.


Uncle Mitch surprised you and bought Skye some fun outfits.

Fun cake by Daddy!

Happy birthday, my angel.

We celebrated with the Baker fam at the beach the next week!

Your dreams came true! Grandma and Grandpa bought you a Cinderella dress.

For future reference, at your 3 year appointment you were 30 lbs (50%) and 39.25" tall (95%).

Emerson: Eleven Months

Monday, August 27, 2018

One more month of wrangling this wild child for her monthly photo! Eleven months, my Emers. Can't even believe it!

  • She's a nut. A NUT! We found her trying to climb over the baby gate on the stairs this month. Ay caramba.
  • She's officially walking! Took her first steps on July 20 and there has been no stopping her since.
  • She loves to go outside and just walk, walk, walk, walk, walk.
  • She does this funny head banging thing all the time. Not really sure what's she doing? But it's funny.
  • She loves to zerbert EVERYTHING. The floor, her arms, anyone else's body parts. 
  • She can blow kisses and clap.
  • She says "uh oh" and "dada", which is just adorable.
  • She thinks it's hilarious when you stick your tongue out at her, and she'll stick hers back out at you.
  • She is a daddy's girl! He gets all the good snuggles. And he loves it. 
  • She has a crazy temper. She lets out the same insane, high-pitched scream that sounds like she got her foot cut off, even if she's just mildly annoyed at something.
  • Sharing with sissy is going really well. No, it's not. 
  • I forgot how cute little baby squats are.
  • I think she's about to drop her morning nap! Mixed emotions: Yay for not being confined to one hour excursions. Boo for obvious reasons.
New videos this month!
Baker's Bakery

We love you, silly baby!!!

Emerson: Ten Months

Monday, July 23, 2018

Ten months! I remember this being one of my favorite ages with Aiden, and Emerson has not disappointed. Sweet baby, let me make it clear that you have NEVER disappointed us! You are pure joy.

Fun fact: This is the first picture in her whole life where I think she looks like Aiden.

  • I'm going to just go ahead and lead the remaining "monthly updates" with a friendly reminder that this child is never NOT moving!
  • She snorts when she laughs.
  • She loves the pool and really loves crawling around outside of the pool (convenient...).
  • She does this funny little downward dog pose.
  • Sometimes when I'm holding her, she'll throw her head back so I can tickle her neck.
  • She loves to dance, blow zerberts, push anything that moves (including pieces of paper) and pull dish towels off the oven.
  • She looks so cute when she sits on her knees while she's playing - like a little kid.
  • She makes all sorts of silly sounds.
  • She could spend all day playing with the Little Tikes car - either pushing it in circles or climbing in and out. And in and out. And in and out.
  • She loves to sit on this pony toy and just jump up and down.
  • She's taken one of two steps by accident. 
  • She's finally able to "play" with her sister! Their favorite game is to take all of the cushions off the couch and run/crawl back and forth.
  • She has 8 chompers.
  • Consistently sleeping through the night (all the praise hands!).
  • Girl has a temmmmper! She screams bloody murder if any minor detail doesn't go her way.
Fun videos from the month:
We love this girl! She gets more fun by the day!

Emerson: Newborn Pictures

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Do you ever look at old pictures of your kids and think "Wow, I didn't even know you back then!" That's how I feel scrolling through these newborn pictures nine months later. It's surreal looking at these pictures and realizing we had no idea who this little human was! Our love for this little one grows daily - the cliches are true.

Emerson: Nine Months

Emerson Charlotte Baker, YOU ARE A NUT. Oh, how we love this child!

  • Beating a dead horse here, but the child doesn't stop. 
  • I've caught her standing up by herself a couple times, but for the most part she still holds on to something and cruises her way all around the house.
  • She claps.
  • She's starting to wave and will say "hi!". 
  • She likes to try to copy the sounds we make. The cutest is her little "uh oh". She also likes to try to copy Adam when he blows air.
  • She's still obsessed with her big sister. The feeling is so mutual, and it's the greatest. Aiden calls her "Ems" - sister nicknames already!
  • She has five teeth, and the sixth is making it's way down.
  • She loves the pool! She'll hang in her little float for awhile, but really loves being held. She tries to put her face in the water, which I think she'll really dislike once she succeeds.
  • My parents gave us this old push walker they had for Aiden. She loooves it! Except when she runs into something and can't move anymore. Then she screams. Really loud.
  • When you're holding her and make a bottle she cranes her neck around to try to look at you with the biggest smile. Like "Are you doing what I think you're doing??" It's so stinking cute!
  • She loves food. And she eats it by grabbing an entire fist full and forcing it into her mouth. Which of course means that it all ends up in her lap and she's lucky if the smallest morsel actually makes it in.
  • She makes the funny, scrunched little face when she's upset. And she makes this "oooooh" noise.
  • She gets pretty snuggly at night after she's had her bottle. Neither of my babes have been snuggly, so I'm thankful for this stage and hoping it lasts!
  • Speaking of night - she's FINALLY SLEEEEEEEPINGGGG! For real, sleeping through the night. Well, she wakes up once a night every once in awhile, but I'll take that all day long. Down around 7:30p/8p and up around 7:30a. HOORAY.
  • She is starting to get a temper. If she doesn't get her way, she SCREAMS. Ruh roh.
  • She's clocking in at 18lbs 7 oz (56%) and 29" tall (93%). That noggin full of brain is 17.5 (69%).
Some fun videos from this month:

Basically, we're obsessed with her and I want to eat her face off on a daily basis. What a treat you are, Emers!!

Aiden: Two and a Half

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Oh, Aidy. You're TWO AND A HALF! (Actually, you're now closer to THREE.) I honestly didn't think I'd write a half year post this year, but man have you grown up since turning two. Every time I look at you, I'm just in awe. What a gift you are. Some of my favorite things I want to remember:
  • You are so independent and want to do everything yourself.
  • You are the BEST big sister. Truly, more than I could have ever imagined. You have more patience with Emerson than your dad and I combined, and no one makes her smile like you do. 
  • You love to help out in the kitchen. Daddy built you a little stool so you can help us cook and bake. Of course, you would much rather us butt out of your experiments. :)
  • Your imagination is starting to show and I teared up a little bit today watching you pretend with your baby doll (her name is "baby"). 
  • You love to be outside and love bugs! On our walks, you really enjoy picking up all of the dead worms you can find.
  • Your chubby baby cheeks are gone and you now look like a kid. (I'm fighting back tears.)
  • I tell your daddy all the time that I can't imagine you getting any older. You're two and a half and I (of course) think you just couldn't possibly be smarter. 
  • Your vocabulary has exploded the past few months, and you're really starting to put some sentences together. Just as we imagined, you are HILARIOUS. For example, you accidentally locked yourself in your room after your nap today. When I came to rescue you, you said "Mommy, it's tricky!"
  • Daddy took you to your first baseball game at Lassiter last week, and I'm pretty sure it was the best day of his life. You had no interest in the game, but loved everything else going on! (And you ate 1.5 cheeseburgers....my girl.)
  • You love chips and salsa (yesss!) and any type of dip.
  • You LOVE your family. Not just us, but your extended family, too. You're especially fond of your best friend/cousin, Jude.
  • You give the best kisses.
  • You have the best laugh. Hands down. The BEST laugh.
  • I love seeing your heart for Jesus already. You always remind us if we forget to pray before a meal (or a snack), and you're already teaching Emerson how to pray (you get frustrated that she can't fold her hands, yet). Papabear died a few months ago, and you always remind us that he's with Jesus in Heaven. Melt my heart. 
  • You love Disney Princesses, and LOVE to sing along and dance. Current favorites: Frozen (Anna and Elsa), Mulan, Moana and Cinderella.
  • You could listen to "Let it Go" all day long and it still wouldn't be enough for you.
  • You really just love to sing and dance, period. It's the cutest thing in the whole wide world. You learn lots of songs at school and I love trying to piece together what they are.
  • You are potty trained! (ish) It only took you a couple days to catch on (most frustrating days of parenting, to date), and you're doing a great job. 
  • You love to tickle! It's adorable, except that I hate being tickled.
  • Lately, a red lion named Kelsey has been sleeping in your bed. But don't worry, she protects you... and sometimes pees the bed (apparently).
  • Some of my favorite little Aidy phrases...
    • "Mom, come onnnn." I had to fight back laughter the first time you said this, because it was with a 'tude.
    • "Toast ready!" When the toast pops up for breakfast in the morning.
    • Your macarena months of the year song.
    • "I tooted!"
    • "You got it girl"
Everyday you teach us something new. I'm glad you don't notice yet, because I would probably creep you out how much I just stare at you. You are unbelievable. You are going to be a FORCE and I pray you use it for God's glory, little one. I've said this since the day you were born, but my gosh - it is my greatest honor to be your mother.

Fun video clips:
Let it go!
Tickling Sissy
Tooty Fruity
First Pony Ride
Hi Ho! 
More worms...

Emerson: Eight Months

Eight months! Phew, time is flying. We love this little human and finally like her, too! (Seriously, months 4-6 were pretty touch and go with her lack of sleep.)

  • She never did go back to nursing after that nursing strike. I tried a few times to coax her back, but then decided NOPE. I don't think it was a coincidence that she's been a better sleeper and all around happier baby now that she's not nursing anymore. I really think she was just never satisfied with my breast milk. Isn't it funny how mom guilt works? First, I'm guilty that I had to stop nursing and feed her spray paint formula (Have you ever read the ingredients to formula? What am I feeding my child??). Then I'm guilty that I didn't switch her to formula sooner since she was clearly so miserable. Sigh. 
  • I was pumping twice a day for a few weeks, but was only getting about 4oz/day. Not even enough for a whole bottle! I decided to officially cut the cord on breast milk and we're all better for it. (Does ANYONE enjoy pumping?)
  • She's a pretty good eater! There are a few things she doesn't love, but for the most part she's easy. We're still keeping her on the basics - fruits and veggies. But I guess it's time to let her start trying real food.
  • I refused to let Aiden use pouches, because it creeps me out that I can't see inside and she could potentially be slurping down mold. (I'm pretty chill about most things, but for some reason that really creeped me out.) Aldi has see-through pouches, so I bought a few for Emmie. SCORE. She loves them and they're so dang easy.
  • She hates wearing a bib, so we go through a lot of Shout.
  • I learned how to steam sweet potatoes, so I successfully made my own baby food and felt like the best mom, EVER! Easiest win of all time. Wish I had Googled it sooner.
  • She has somewhere to go and she is quickly on her way. I know I've mentioned it a few times, but really - she doesn't stop. Ever. 
  • She always wants to be standing up (we're all just human jungle gyms to her) and cruising around the furniture. She recently found the stairs, so we had to put a gate up.
  • It's her life goal to pull up on her walker and stand on it. It makes her about 3 inches taller, but I'm pretty sure she feels like the tallest person in the universe. She's always so thrilled with herself.
  • She said "mama" on Mother's Day (all the heart eyes). It was a really cute moment. Adam and I were with her in the playroom while Aiden napped, and she was giving me a "hug" and said it. 
  • Her top two teeth are starting to pop through.
  • She loves to stick her tongue out and has started giving open mouth kisses.
  • She is still getting up twice a night, but it's basically heaven compared to her total meltdowns in the earlier months.
  • Her big sister continues to ADORE her and asks for her first thing every morning (and basically all day). I am so grateful for these sisters and pray they are best friends!
Crazy baby, you're the best! So thankful that you're ours.

Videos: Dancing bug
No chill