Aiden Grace: A Birth Story

Sunday, August 30, 2015

As I sit here with my precious daughter sleeping on my chest, I want to remember everything from her beautiful arrival. With that being said, I don't plan to leave any details out - you have been warned. I want to remember everything.

So here goes nothing...

I always wondered how I would know what contractions felt like and everyone told me "you'll just know!" I have to admit, that wasn't the case with me. I had some pretty consistent cramping on Saturday (8/22), but wouldn't let myself get excited about it. When they started coming and going is when I thought "Hm, maybe these are contractions?" Turns out I was right. They started coming pretty regularly on Saturday evening, eventually getting as close as every 7 minutes around 2am. I decided to try to sleep in between them and they slowed down to about an hour in between. And then they fizzled out by late Sunday morning. We were discouraged, but rested knowing that God had a perfect timeline for her arrival, and it would happen. Adam also kept me in good spirits by using a little baby voice and saying things like "Mom, I just need to finish up my fingernails!" or "Mommmmm, I think my little legs need to grow a littttttle longer."

Regardless, trying to stay positive is easier said than done. Adam and I spent Sunday trying to keep our mind off of it - getting out of the house, walking around The Avenue, getting ice cream - and then the contractions started again late Sunday afternoon. I tried to sleep through them and not get excited, but they started coming pretty regularly and painful. Adam got up around 1am to help me out (Best Coach, EVER is the understatement of the century) and we were officially a go! 

We labored at home all day on Monday, and finally headed to the hospital at 7pm when the contractions were about 4-5 minutes apart and pretty painful, but still bearable. We had to stop multiple times on the way from the car to triage to breathe through them, but we made it without a wheelchair! When we got to triage, we were told all the rooms were full and we'd have to wait in the Waiting Room. I could have died! I was not going to sit in the Waiting Room with eager families while Adam and I are trying to work through contractions! Luckily, the nurses noticed that I was in pretty active labor and were nice enough to just go ahead and put me in a Labor & Delivery Room where we found out I was 3cm dilated. The contractions were painful at this point, but bearable. However, when they were getting me checked into my room, I almost lost it. Adam and I were trying to work through contractions while they were poking me with an IV, asking my family history, etc. I almost started crying out of panic. On top of all that, I only wanted to be hooked up to the fetal heart monitor for 15 min/hour, but little one decided to be dramatic and her heart rate dropped a couple times right when we checked in. My midwife didn't feel comfortable letting me be off of the monitor for 45 minutes/hour, so we had to do 20 minutes on/20 minutes off. This was a bummer because it really restricted our movement during contractions - and it was uncomfortable having to be hooked up to two different things. The good thing was that Adam could tell when I was coming down from a contraction, so he could count me off. 

At one point I threw up, and the nurse told us that was a good sign that I was transitioning. (By the way, we did not like that nurse. She wasn't helpful and was honestly kind of rude. Luckily, we didn't have to deal with her too much. And she actually ended up coming in the clutch during delivery when she grabbed my phone and just started taking a bunch of pictures.) Baby girl's heart rate continued to keep the nurses on edge, so they ended up putting me on an IV of saline to get her to stay active. They wanted to see her heart rate reacting to the contractions, and she really wasn't. Another item on our Birth Plan that was taken away - no IV.

After a long night of laboring, my midwife checked me again Tuesday morning and I was 8cm dilated! My waters were bulging and she accidentally broke them while she was checking me. If I wasn't in pain, I'm sure I would have been annoyed, but at that point I was like "Ok, this is progress!" By the way, I had no idea how much liquid that was going to be. I'm pretty sure I could have filled up a kiddie pool.

Finding out I was 8cm dilated gave us a second wind - we figured we'd be meeting our daughter pretty soon! Adam and I took The Bradley Method classes, so we were pretty informed on what was going on with my body to cause the pain, relaxation methods to handle it and our options at the hospital. Adam was the greatest coach of all time. THE GREATEST. I could write a book about how amazing he was. If I wasn't in so much pain, I would have cried from how much I loved him during those moments. Now, let's talk about that pain. At this point, it's Tuesday morning, I've been in active labor since late Sunday night and haven't had a night's sleep since Friday. Specifically, I'd been in transitional labor for most of Monday night. Typically, this part of labor is supposed to be pretty short, because it's the most intense part as your body preps to start pushing. My contractions were on top of each other, with no breaks in between (unless you call heartburn while coming down from a contraction a break). I couldn't even catch my breath. Adam and I tried all sorts of positions to bring some relief, and he did such an amazing job of trying to get me to relax and not tense up during the contractions. Part of the Bradley Method is "accepting the pain" - which I did, LOUD AND CLEAR - but we just weren't making any progress and I was in an amount of pain I didn't know could exist. I literally thought I was going to have a brain aneurysm or heart attack from the pain. It was absolutely indescribable. I finally caved and told Adam I just couldn't do it anymore. I knew being in such an agonizing state wasn't helping baby girl out either. All my screaming and tensing up was probably scaring her! 

Because we were at the hospital for numerous shift changes, we were now working with Candice, the most amazing nurse of all time. We LOVED her. Adam went out in the hallway and asked her about the pain options we had available. He's adorable and did this without me knowing (leaving me to scream by myself), so when she came back in I asked her the same question. She wanted to check my progress before we made any decisions. As if the pain wasn't enough to push me to get drugs, after about 6 hours I was still 8cm. We gave ourselves an hour to think over the options, and decided to get an IV of Fentanyl. I was told this wouldn't take away the pain of the contractions, but would take the edge off and give me a "drunk" feeling. I don't know if it's because I was too far gone, but it did absolutely nothing. We decided shortly thereafter to move forward with an epidural around 1:45pm. The first time Candice looked at the machine and asked if I felt that contraction, I got tears in my eyes. I didn't feel it!

After receiving an epidural, you get a catheter put in. (Labor and childbirth is glamorous! But not as glamorous as the fact that I had already peed on my hospital bed multiple times during labor. The pain is real, people.) When Candice put my catheter in, she also checked my progress. In the short time since receiving the epidural, I had progressed to 9.5cm and she could feel her head! She said it's because I was no longer so tense and baby was able to make her way down. (Bless her for saying that, regardless if it's true.)

Now that we were out of pain, Adam and I were able to rest for a few hours. Well, Adam rested. I was too excited knowing we would be meeting our baby girl so soon!

Beth, the midwife on duty and one of my favorites, came in around 6pm, we did a few pushes and she said she'd be back in about an hour so we could really start pushing. During that hour, baby decided to flip sunny side up, and I started feeling intense back labor through my epidural. Luckily, it was still nothing near the earlier pain I had been in - and I knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel! Adam massaged my back with a tennis ball while we stared at the clock and waited for Beth to come back. During this time, our dear Candice's shift was over! We were all so sad she wouldn't be there for the birth, but we were passed on to another great nurse, Crystal.

Crystal came in around 7:30 to get the pushing started! It was just the three of us in the room when things got a little crazy. I was a couple pushes in when I heard baby's heart rate drop dramatically on the machine. I looked at Crystal, who had calmly pulled out her phone and was saying some code. I kid you not, within 20 seconds the room filled up. Beth (our midwife), Dr. Tackitt (the OB on call), and an entire crew of nurses were suddenly surrounding us. They tipped my bed back, flipped me on my side and strapped oxygen onto my face. While that was happening, Dr. Tackitt (who announced himself as the Crotch Doctor - a much needed moment of humor) was busy trying to move baby girl into a better position. This whole time, Adam stayed right in my face keeping me calm. (You guys, I'm telling you. I'm contemplating renting him out to be a birthing coach for other people. He was so amazing.) As quickly as it all started, it was over. Her heart rate was back up, Dr. Tackitt excused himself and Beth told me she was confident we were in a good place to keep pushing.

The tricky part about pushing with an epidural is it's hard to tell when I was having a contraction. I was never keen on the idea of having a mirror to watch her be born, but Beth brought one out anyway and I'm so glad she did. It really helped me visualize what I needed to be doing, and gave me the extra strength to push. Adam was not planning to watch any part of her birth other than from the view at my shoulders. Once the mirror was brought out, that went out the window. Lucky for him, the oxygen mask was still right there - so he took it upon himself to take a couple deep breaths with it during the pushing process. Might I add that pushing itself should be an Olympic sport. I really don't think I would have had the strength to push her out if I hadn't received the epidural. And with all the man handling they had to do when her heart rate dropped, I'm pretty sure the pain would have been the end of me. On top of all that, I had a 102 fever the whole time.

After an hour and a half of pushing (which felt like 10 minutes),  Aiden Grace was born at 9:09pm! I'll never forget Beth saying "Grab her!" to me as she came out. There she was. Our perfect little girl. I immediately put her on my chest and it just didn't even feel real! We were able to wait until her umbilical cord stopped pulsing before Adam cut it (look, one thing from our birth plan went right!), and then they had to take her to the warming table. She had a ton of mucous in her lungs so she was having a hard time catching her breath. Nothing serious, but something they had to take care of (Her APGAR scores were 8 and 9). Adam went with her and I could see them the whole time, which was nice. I'll never forget the way Adam cried and just kept staring at her.

During all that, Beth delivered my placenta (which was almost as stubborn as Aiden) and stitched me up. Turns out Aiden was in a very strange position which is what led to such a long, painful labor. She basically came out ear first. Beth assured me my next kid would slide right out. (Ha!)

As I said, Adam and I took 12 weeks of Bradley Method classes to ensure we had the natural birth experience we so badly wanted. We were cocky enough to tell people it was either all natural or emergency C-section, meds were not an option. Oh, silly us! Just another reminder of how humbling pregnancy and labor are. I'm proud to say that I don't care that nothing went according to our plan, because I know it went according to His perfect plan. I don't regret taking the classes - I'm so very glad we did. We were prepared, informed and did all we could, but at the end of the day we knew nothing about this birth (or pregnancy, for that matter) was in our control. I wouldn't change one thing, because we received the most precious gift in exchange.

Aiden Grace Baker
August 25, 2015
6lbs 2.8oz
20 inches

Here are a few of the pictures the nurse took right after her birth. I'm so grateful to her for these precious memories.

Holding on to Daddy's finger.

Our first moments together after the chaos.

Crystal and Beth - there aren't words to describe how thankful we are.

She definitely knows her Daddy!

There you have it. That's how we welcomed our sweet miracle into this world, at exactly 41 weeks. Now, I'm going to go back to smothering her with kisses and breathing in her sweet smell.

39 - 40 Weeks

Friday, August 28, 2015

Week 39: August 11

Baby's the size of a: Watermelon and she won't do much more growing between now and her arrival! However, her brain is growing at a crazy rate (a pace that will continue for the first three years).

Weight gain since last appointment: -1 pound (Total…I guess I subtract? That seems weird: 32 pounds)

Baby's heart rate and any appointment updates: Forgot to ask, but sounds great and she's in a good position! The nurse said "Oh, you lost a pound! You may be having that baby soon!" And of course that was annoying, because now I can't help but think she'll arrive at any time now.

Sleep: It's harder to get back to sleep each time I get up to pee... My mind has been racing!

Best moment of this week: The Meldrums were in town! And one of our new neighbor friends hosted a little Mom's Tea on Sunday, so I got to meet other mom's in the neighborhood. Including our neighbor two doors down who has a nine-day-old little girl. Her due date was Aug 22 (after me!), but she came three weeks early. I just kept staring at her thinking "That is literally inside me right now". We finally installed the car seat, too!

Miss anything: I'm ready for a nice, cool glass of wine!

Food cravings: Sweets. :)

Symptoms: Still feeling pretty great, but starting to get uncomfortable and my feet are pretty swollen at the end of the day. She must have adjusted herself, because I have to pee ALL the time now. I got my first "Is it twins? There's only ONE in there??" comment last night. Neat.

Looking forward to: Meeting her!! It's crazy to think it really could be any day. I'm still not too anxious, it's just the unknown that's annoying! Adam is about to lose his mind, he wants her here two weeks ago.

Week 40: August 18 (DUE DATE!!!)

Baby's the size of a: Baby and I'm ready for her to come out. (I'm not even going to make the effort to see what weird fruit my app says she is this week.)

Weight gain since last appointment: -2 pounds (Total: 30 pounds)

Baby's heart rate and any appointment updates: Her heart sounds great, and she's still measuring on the small side of normal. Apparently she just can't be bothered to come join us! I go again for a BPP (biophysical profile) ultrasound on Friday (Aug 21) if she's still not here. As my midwife said… "Hopefully we don't see you!" They'll let me go a full two weeks past my due date, so we've spent a lot of time praying that she makes her debut before that.

Sleep: The past couple nights have been terrible. I get up to pee and my mind won't stop racing so I'm up for a few hours. I try to spend the time chatting with God about giving me the strength and patience to wait on His perfect timing.

Best moment of this week: We've had August 18 marked with a red heart on our calendar since December! It's crazy that the day is finally here (and now gone… still no baby).

Miss anything: My brain doesn't have room to do anything but wish she was here already!

Food cravings: Nothing in particular.

Symptoms: I had some pretty consistent cramping over the weekend, so we figured she'd be making her appearance pretty soon. Of course, I haven't had any since Sunday (it's now Wednesday). Every little twinge I feel, I hope is the beginning of contractions - but so far, nada. Monday was a bad day, I couldn't get out of a bad mood and was just so sad that she is never going to show up. Then yesterday was awesome! I was in a great mood all day, with tons of energy. Apparently this roller coaster of emotions is a sign her arrival is near, so I'll take it. The anxiety of the unknown is what's so hard. I could have a contraction right now, or I could have one in a week - there's no telling! Poor Adam is close to losing his damn mind. OH, my favorite part! I got my first stretch mark this week. THIS WEEK. I couldn't help but laugh.

Looking forward to: HER BEING HERE ALREADY!!!

Dr Appt on Friday, 8/21: Adam joined me at the follow up doctor's appointment, because we knew we were getting an ultrasound. She looked fabulous and was measuring just as perfect as can be. According to all the measurements, she's expected to be 7lbs 11oz (although I never take those seriously). We also went ahead and scheduled our induction for next Friday, 8/28. That's when I got a little emotional. I know I have zero control over this whole pregnancy/birth thing, but an induction is not something I want to do! Luckily, my midwife said when I come in for my next appointment on Tuesday (Aug 25) I can always push back the induction to the following Tuesday (Sept 1). She also checked me for the first time - since I didn't want to be checked prior to checking in to the hospital - and I'm "barely dilated at all". Which I'm sure is her way of saying "nope, not at all". Yay.

Here's some cute photos of the babe from the ultrasound! This is looking up at her lips and nose.

And here's her little profile! 

Ok, sweet girl. Come on out!

The Baby Wait Continues...

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Here's to hoping this is my last blog post before the babe! I'll make it short and sweet.

Adam and I celebrated our final pre-baby date night at JCT Kitchen on August 13. We ate just about everything on the menu, and it was so nice to get all fancy and go out. This pregnancy has brought us closer than ever, and my heart could just burst when I think about how much I love him! He has gone above and beyond to make this experience so amazing (for all of us!), and I can't wait to see him as a Daddy. Now I'm going to go cry.

Since we don't know how long this sweets phase will last, we tried out Ray's Donuts on Saturday morning. The line was out the door!

My company sponsored the annual Give Me Five event on Sunday, and I gave away all my sponsor tickets because I figured I'd either have a baby or would not want to deal with people so close to my due date! Allison had extra seats available and asked if I wanted to attend at the last minute, and I figured I might as well keep myself busy. Adam had a tennis match, so Mom came with me! (And I totally look massively pregnant in this pic. Oh, well.)

And now we wait! Every time I start feeling anxious, I repeat my mantra…. "Father, give me the strength and patience to know that Your timing is perfect. She WILL show up. Eventually." 

Meldrums and More

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Meldrums are in town! Our favorite Iraqis make a trip back to the states every three years, and always make a stop at the Bakers. This time they're in town for a whole three weeks before continuing on their trek around the US. Kristi keeps a blog of all their Iraqi adventures - check it out here

We will have had the privilege of seeing them three times (three is their number, huh??) before they head out, but we only grabbed one picture! Whoops.

We love the Meldrums!

Our puppies rarely snuggle with each other, so I had to snap this pic! (Also, look at Adam in the background - ha.)

My parents bought a crib! It didn't come with instructions, which made for a fun game of tetris. And it only fell apart on top of me once.

We now have three brides in PPSC, and we were way overdue to celebrate! Brunch at Food 101 was a must. Congrats to Alysa and Aimee (and Madi! She got engaged the night before our brunch, but is out in Colorado.)

I attended a fun little Les Dames Scholarship event on Monday night… and was asked if I'm having twins. Really, people? Isn't that like Rule #1 of what not to say to pregnant people?

We are officially ready for baby! (Well, gear-wise.) Adam went to Nathan's work to learn how to install the car seat from a Certified Car Seat Installer. Who knew that was a thing? I love how much he loves getting ready for baby girl!

Ah!! It's real, people!

And the waiting continues...

36 - 38 Weeks

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Week 36: July 21

Baby's the size of a: Large cantaloupe and all of her organs and systems are ready to go, except for her lungs!

Weight gain since last appointment (I go every week now!): None (Total: 27 pounds)

Baby's heart rate and any appointment updates: About 155 and everything sounds great! I'm measuring a little small, but still within normal range. Discussed our birth plan with the midwife, so we can cross that one off the list! Baby girl is OP (sunny side up), so I've been instructed to do even more pelvic rocks to try to coax her to adjust.

Sleep: It's still been pretty great! I toss and turn most of the night and get up a couple times to pee, but nothing too annoying.

Best moment of this week: Our babymoon!

Miss anything: Nope, not even at the lake. I just made myself a couple fun mocktails and I was set.

Food cravings: Still just sweets. Sunday was National Ice Cream Day, which Adam and I obviously participated in. 

Symptoms: I feel like I have to pee every time I stand up, and this whole basketball thing sitting in front of me is starting to get in the way. However, I'm still able to walk for about 30 minutes a day and feeling good.

Looking forward to: The final countdown! Can't believe we're a month out!

We took a CPR class last week and definitely feel more prepared if something were to happen! Everyone in there was pregnant or had a newborn, and we had to go around the room and say why we decided to take the class. Of course, Adam responded with "I'm just here to play with the mannequins." 

Week 37: July 28

Baby's the size of a: Winter melon (they're really reaching here) and her lungs are mature! If she was born now, she most likely wouldn't have to spend any time in the NICU!

Weight gain since last appointment: 4 pounds - bahaha, oops. (Total: 31 pounds)

Baby's heart rate and any appointment updates: I forgot to ask again, but it was nice and strong! Baby can come at any time now, so we walked through the process once I go into labor. Baby girl is in a good position! All of those pelvic rocks seemed to work - yay! Can't believe how close we are! We should probably pack our bags and install that carseat soon...

Sleep: Getting up more to pee and tossing and turning, but still pretty good!

Best moment of this week: My birthday, of course!

Miss anything: A glass of Sauvignon Blanc on my birthday.

Food cravings: Still sweets! Luckily, it was my birthday week so I had even more of an excuse.

Symptoms: Starting to get uncomfortable, but nothing too crazy.

Looking forward to: Soaking in these last few weeks with just me, Adam and the pups!

Week 38: August 4

Baby's the size of a: Pumpkin and there's not much to report from here on out. She's just hanging out and plumping up until she's ready to make her debut!

Weight gain since last appointment: 2 pounds (Total: 33 pounds)

Baby's heart rate and any appointment updates: In the 130s. She's still head down and in a good position - woo hoo! She's been hanging out on my right side for about 8-10 weeks (or whenever they started feeling around for her), and this week she swapped and is on my left side. 

Sleep: Just tossing and turning… and peeing. There are a few nights when I wake up and can't get back to sleep for a couple hours, but overall I can't complain.

Best moment of this week: IT'S AUGUST, PEOPLE! We are having a baby THIS MONTH! (Holy cow.)

Miss anything: Ok, I'm ready for a glass of wine! And a nice refreshing cocktail!

Food cravings: Just sweets. Weird.

Symptoms: She seems to have "dropped", which is nice! I can finally breathe again and it doesn't feel like her butt is in my throat. Other than that, just a little uncomfortable from carrying around a human. I'm still able to walk about 35 minutes a day on the treadmill, and when it's nice out (aka - one night this week), we walk the dogs.

Looking forward to: Meeting her! I'm still banking on her being two weeks late, so if she decides to show up anywhere near her due date it will be a pleasant surprise. But it's crazy to think that even that is only four weeks away!

Welcome to Baby Land!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

We have finally finished baby girl's nursery, and we're so in love with how it turned out! Adam comes home from work every day, goes to her room, opens the door and says "Oh, good news! Her room is still here!"

It goes without saying that I am not a professional photographer, so don't get your hopes up that these will look like those fancy pictures you see on Pinterest.

Welcome to Baby Land! (Father of the Bride Part 2? Anyone? Anyone?)

Mirror: Antique mall
Changing pad holder: Hand-me-down that we painted
Dresser: Built by Adam's dad (so amazing, right?)
Baskets: Babies R Us (I'd like to switch the liner fabric to gray)
Dresser knobs: Anthropologie

Changing Table Organizer: Target, similar to this one.

Ballet Shoes: From my old stash my mom kept. I promise they don't smell.
(I didn't take a picture inside her closet, because it's kind of a still a mess.)

Picture: Adam drew this when he was 10 (melt!)
Headband organizer: I saw this on Pinterest and Adam built it. It was pretty easy! Just painted the piece of wood white, took apart and spray painted the clothespins gold, and used wood glue to put it all together.

Crib: Pottery Barn Kids, Emery (Thank you, Nonna and Poppa!)
Rug: Surya, but I got it for a steal on Haute Look
Quilt: Made by her Aunt Meagan and one of my most favorite items!
Nightstand: Flea market
Glass vase to hold her pacifiers: HomeGoods
Frame: Gift

Crib Sheet: Pottery Barn Kids

Prints: Rifle Paper Co
I bought basic black frames at Michael's and spray painted them gold.

Glider & Ottoman: Babies R Us (Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa!)
Pillow: HomeGoods
Bookshelves: Ikea
Lamb Print: Etsy
Pink Flag Print: Paper Source
Baby Book: Lucy Darling

And we're back to the beginning!

A few notes on the nursery…
  • We got a lot of inspiration from Pinterest, but this was a true labor of love. I'm not exactly a crafty person, but I'm so proud of how this room has come together! Three cheers for Adam for all of the hard work he put into it, he was very involved. And of course, thank you to our parents for gifting us with the big items!
  • The room was actually already that color. We painted it Watery by Sherwin Williams when we moved in, and lookie there - I loved it for our little girl's room.
  • 2015 is the Year of the Sheep, so I wanted to incorporate a lamb somehow. (Hence the dainty little lamb print on her top bookshelf.) My dad caught wind of this and has since bought all sorts of lamb things - including the stuffed lamb in her crib. So our idea of "no theme" has a subtle one now. 
  • Speaking of the top bookshelf, we're still not sure what we want to do here. Adam and I have finally picked a Bible verse for her, so we'd like to incorporate that. And we have her first initial letter we'll put up there once she arrives. For now, it's just a catch all.
  • I searched high and low for the perfect mirror, and we happened to stumble on this one when we popped into an Antique Mall on the 4th of July. It's a little bigger than I what I was originally thinking - but we love it!
  • The prints above her crib and the rug are probably my favorite finds. They're the first things I picked out and I've been in love ever since.
  • I take that back, my old ballet shoes and Adam's picture of ballerinas are my favorites! 

There you have it! All we're waiting on is you, little girl!

It's Baby Month!

Holy cow, it's AUGUST. We're having a BABY this month! Not too much to report from the last week. It's kind of funny, because starting from about the halfway point of the pregnancy on I kept saying I'd do everything the first weekend of August. Then I realized… the first weekend of August is only two days. Maybe I should break this up? And then without even noticing, we were in the first weekend of August and officially had NO plans!

Adam heading off to softball! His game ended up getting cancelled, but he was definitely the best looking one.

Adam is so adorable. I woke up on July 31 to this message written on the mirror. WE ARE IN THE TEENS! (Until her due date!) We finally started packing our hospital bag this week, so we've got that going for us.

Silly me, since we had no plans all weekend I thought we were going to lounge around and watch movies. Well, I did that. Adam literally spent 8 hours working on our front yard. It looks so amazing!

A little bare, but much better than the weed-filled chaos that used to be there! I really wish I had a before picture.

We headed over to the Bakers after church on Sunday to see the Meldrums (yay!!!) and pick up Adam's car. And, as always, it's the highlight of my day when I get to see this little goober! He had actually just dropped his toy in this picture, but it kind of looks like we're looking at my belly… so we'll go with that.

I asked him for a kiss and got a face plant. I love him so much!

Well, that's about all we've got for this week. I did finally take some pictures of the nursery, so stay tuned!