One more month of wrangling this wild child for her monthly photo! Eleven months, my Emers. Can't even believe it!
- She's a nut. A NUT! We found her trying to climb over the baby gate on the stairs this month. Ay caramba.
- She's officially walking! Took her first steps on July 20 and there has been no stopping her since.
- She loves to go outside and just walk, walk, walk, walk, walk.
- She does this funny head banging thing all the time. Not really sure what's she doing? But it's funny.
- She loves to zerbert EVERYTHING. The floor, her arms, anyone else's body parts.
- She can blow kisses and clap.
- She says "uh oh" and "dada", which is just adorable.
- She thinks it's hilarious when you stick your tongue out at her, and she'll stick hers back out at you.
- She is a daddy's girl! He gets all the good snuggles. And he loves it.
- She has a crazy temper. She lets out the same insane, high-pitched scream that sounds like she got her foot cut off, even if she's just mildly annoyed at something.
- Sharing with sissy is going really well. No, it's not.
- I forgot how cute little baby squats are.
- I think she's about to drop her morning nap! Mixed emotions: Yay for not being confined to one hour excursions. Boo for obvious reasons.
New videos this month!
Baker's Bakery
We love you, silly baby!!!
best floor mops 2019 this is really nice to read..informative post is very good to read..thanks a lot!