A Weekend of Celebration

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Monday! ugh.

I find myself starting off client emails with that dreaded phrase on Mondays. I guess I'm just trying to kid myself into thinking I'm happy that it's Monday. I think Mondays are the hardest when you have had such a fun, eventful weekend! Ours was that, to say the least.

First of all. Adam FINALLY finished his 12-week transformation diet/workout plan on Saturday! I am so very proud of him for so many reasons: the diet was absolutely insane and consisted of 6 meals a day of boring food and no booze (obvi I did not participate); he never missed a workout (this is especially hard since we have to drag our butts out of bed and to the gym by 6am. ugh); and his final results were absurdly amazing (he lost 40 pounds!). Although I have always found Adam ridiculously good looking, he is just even more gorgeous now. Below is one of his results' pictures - what a difference!

So we kicked off the morning with his final workout (woot! woot!), took all his final measurements and pictures, and then made a DELICIOUS breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and mimosas! Soon after, we headed off to Athens for the event of the year (other than my wedding, of course) - Kelly and Jason's wedding! It was such a beautiful wedding, and the weather could not have been more perfect. Congratulations to the honeys!!
Mr. & Mrs. Cooper!

 With the beautiful bride!

Outside the beautiful venue: Thompson House & Gardens

And now it's Monday. Boo!

Let the Traditions Begin!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Even though Adam and I have been married a whole 9 months, we still haven't had a major holiday together! And by major holiday, I mean we've actually already spent Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day together, but still. We're finally settled in enough to start our own Baker Family traditions! With Halloween just around the corner, we decided we definitely need to make it a tradition to buy pumpkins every year - mainly because we're not creative enough to think of a cuter tradition yet. But we have to start somewhere!

This past Saturday was absolutely BEAUTIFUL, so we took advantage of the wonderful weather and headed out to a pumpkin patch. OK - so it was the front yard of a Church. (Baby steps!)

Here are a couple pictures from our pumpkin search.

When we got home I, of course, made Ruthie pose for pictures next to our purchases!

She was so patient and did so well while I was messing around with my camera. And you have to admit, she is absolutely ADORABLE! And then she ate the stems off my baby pumpkins, so now we're in a fight.

Happy fall!!

Finding my niche

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm still trying to figure out what the purpose of this blog will be. My entire inspiration comes from a blog that I have read for the past few months. It began in 2007 (yes, FOUR years ago), and she still makes almost daily updates. Now, I don't think I'll ever have the patience or creativeness to even come up with interesting content everyday for the next four years, but I would like to make sure I document the highlights. How wonderful to be able to look back four years from now and remember all of the little things that are just so fun.

My hubs had a pretty rough day on Friday, so I tried extra hard to be the perfect wife all weekend. Of course that never really happens, but he tells me I'm beautiful and perfect every day, so I guess I'm doing something right!

Adam and I visited with our financial adviser on Saturday morning. Terry is just so awesome and has given us priceless advice. We are both blessed with decent money-saving skills, but Terry has hoisted us up to the next level. Sometimes I can't help but think we're too responsible. I mean, who has a financial life plan at 23? But I know it is going to pay off BIG TIME when retirement comes around. Of course, by that time I'm sure we'll all be working until we're 85 and will live to be 125. Gross.

Adam spent the rest of the day with his dad up at their new hunting spot, and I spent the day on a marathon shopping trip with my wonderful mother-in-law and sisters-in-law. They have historically gone on these ridiculously long shopping trips in the past, and this was no different. I am not the best shopper - after 45 minutes I could be on a Snickers commercial. However, I prepared by bringing a handy dandy Red Bull and I was such a trooper! It was such a fun trip, and I definitely think I could handle another one.

On Sunday we took Ruthie for an exploratory walk and ended up at a new park where she got to run around and be adorable. We also caught a little bit of the Gay Pride Parade, but we didn't have the best view so we left early. 

I apologize for the lack of pictures in this post (especially since we went to the Gay Pride Parade!) If you're anything like me, the highlight of any blog is the pictures so I will try not to disappoint next time.

Here goes nothing!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Where to start? Well, I'm Elizabeth. I married my wonderful high school sweetheart, Adam, in January. Many say we married young, but why wait around when you know you've found the most perfect person in the world? Gotta lock it down!

Although he's generally the level-headed, patient one in the relationship - even he couldn't resist when we decided to 'stop in' to the Atlanta Humane Society right before our one month anniversary. That's right, we weren't even married a month before we added a new addition to our family - Ruthie! Here's our little stinker the day she picked us out at the Humane Society.

And here is our spoiled princess now!

She is a handful and a half, to say the least. But she brings us so much joy and is constantly making us laugh. She is also great birth control. Did I mention she's a handful?

Being in marketing, I know the point of a blog is to prove yourself or your company as being a thought leader in your category. Well, I am by NO means a thought leader in marriage or life, but I'll try to at least keep you entertained.

Stay tuned or not, the choice is yours!