I'm pregnant! Still can't believe it. Holy cow. While this baby wasn't as shocking as Aiden, it was still a funny surprise. God works in amazing, perfect ways and we are thrilled!
I just knew I was pregnant, so decided to take a test five days before my missed period (I sound like a pregnancy test commercial!). As if that wasn't a bizarre enough idea, I also decided to take the test on Friday morning (January 6)... Adam had left Thursday night for Arizona and didn't get home until Monday night. Which means Aiden and I had to hang on to this secret all weekend long! Anywho, I took the test and went about my business, then I poked my head in the bathroom and saw it was positive. I didn't even go look up close, I just laughed and shook my head, then went to go get Aiden from her room and told her she was going to be a big sister! (THAT is what's making my head explode. I cannot believe my baby girl is going to be a big sister!)
I decided to get Aiden a Big Sister shirt to surprise Adam with the news when he (finallllllly) got home. I even put a sweatshirt over it, just in case his family decided to come in when they dropped him off from the airport. I had him take off her sweatshirt and he did not notice. He spent a solid ten minutes just playing with Aiden (they were having the best time!) while I finished dinner. Finally, they came in the kitchen and I said, "Aiden, do you think daddy is ever going to read your shirt?" He saw it and lost his mind. I wish I could bottle up Adam's reaction when I tell him I'm pregnant. Both times it has been absolute, pure joy. It was so exciting to see him get excited and definitely made it feel more real!
Overall, I feel great! Just crampy and tired. Morning sickness kicked in right at week six last time, so I'm praying for a much smoother first trimester this time around. I want to be able to soak in every last moment with Aiden as an only child. (I'm really kind of having a hard time with this. I can't believe she will never remember how it was just her and how she completely changed our lives. Motherhood. Sigh.)
We had our first appointment at 8 weeks and our little nugget looked perfect! Heart rate was 177 BPM (at 7 weeks, Aiden's was 139 BPM). When we went in with Aiden, I thought I was 8 weeks 1 day, but I actually measured 7 weeks so they pushed my due date back a week. This time, I went in at 8 weeks and I measured 8 weeks 6 days, but they wouldn't change my due date. Boo. Maybe that means this babe will actually be on time?? Due date is September 19 - the day before Jude's 3rd birthday!
This pregnancy already seems to have already gone by so much faster than the first pregnancy. I can't imagine why? It's not like there's anything else fighting for my attention. :) Oh, and we're not going to find out if it's a boy or a girl! Eeeeek!