Baby #2

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Blogged in January and February

I'm pregnant! Still can't believe it. Holy cow. While this baby wasn't as shocking as Aiden, it was still a funny surprise. God works in amazing, perfect ways and we are thrilled!

I just knew I was pregnant, so decided to take a test five days before my missed period (I sound like a pregnancy test commercial!). As if that wasn't a bizarre enough idea, I also decided to take the test on Friday morning (January 6)... Adam had left Thursday night for Arizona and didn't get home until Monday night. Which means Aiden and I had to hang on to this secret all weekend long! Anywho, I took the test and went about my business, then I poked my head in the bathroom and saw it was positive. I didn't even go look up close, I just laughed and shook my head, then went to go get Aiden from her room and told her she was going to be a big sister! (THAT is what's making my head explode. I cannot believe my baby girl is going to be a big sister!)

I decided to get Aiden a Big Sister shirt to surprise Adam with the news when he (finallllllly) got home. I even put a sweatshirt over it, just in case his family decided to come in when they dropped him off from the airport. I had him take off her sweatshirt and he did not notice. He spent a solid ten minutes just playing with Aiden (they were having the best time!) while I finished dinner. Finally, they came in the kitchen and I said, "Aiden, do you think daddy is ever going to read your shirt?" He saw it and lost his mind. I wish I could bottle up Adam's reaction when I tell him I'm pregnant. Both times it has been absolute, pure joy. It was so exciting to see him get excited and definitely made it feel more real!

Overall, I feel great! Just crampy and tired. Morning sickness kicked in right at week six last time, so I'm praying for a much smoother first trimester this time around. I want to be able to soak in every last moment with Aiden as an only child. (I'm really kind of having a hard time with this. I can't believe she will never remember how it was just her and how she completely changed our lives. Motherhood. Sigh.)

Morning All day sickness reared its ugly head at week six (same with Aiden). I decided to not go the Diclegis route this time and try some more natural options. Unfortunately, nothing really works (and it's real tough being sick, working, moving and taking care of a toddler), but I have definitely found some things that help! Eating crackers before I get out of bed, eating protein first thing in the morning and Sea Bands! Seriously, the Sea Bands have been so great.

We had our first appointment at 8 weeks and our little nugget looked perfect! Heart rate was 177 BPM (at 7 weeks, Aiden's was 139 BPM). When we went in with Aiden, I thought I was 8 weeks 1 day, but I actually measured 7 weeks so they pushed my due date back a week. This time, I went in at 8 weeks and I measured 8 weeks 6 days, but they wouldn't change my due date. Boo. Maybe that means this babe will actually be on time?? Due date is September 19 - the day before Jude's 3rd birthday!

This pregnancy already seems to have already gone by so much faster than the first pregnancy. I can't imagine why? It's not like there's anything else fighting for my attention. :) Oh, and we're not going to find out if it's a boy or a girl! Eeeeek!