Arrived in Miami and dad was ready to party! (Check out his fedora!)
Headed to the ship Saturday morning - the gang's all here!
Off we go!
Aiden is hilarious. She loved the kids water park, and when she saw a little boy stand underneath the big bucket that drops water she immediately ran over and sat down patiently waiting for her turn. (However, I snapped this cute pic and ran over to snatch her up. I don't think she would have actually enjoyed being swept away in that water.)
Best part of mom drinking mocktails? AG got them, too!
Name a better feeling than a baby sleeping on your chest. I'll wait.
We loved having a balcony!
Mini golf! (Cruises certainly aren't like the Titanic anymore.)
How many people does it take to reserve show tickets?
Buffet! (Our second home. Sigh.)
Pulling into St. Thomas!
Someone got used to naps in mommy and daddy's bed!
I stayed on the ship at all three ports (thanks, Zika), and Aiden and Adam hung back with me in St. Thomas. I'm telling you, that's the secret! The boat was EMPTY. It was amazing. Aiden was brave enough to go down the water slide with daddy (and mommy!).
Best attempt at a photo with our towel animal (what animal is that?).
Good morning, Tortola! Adam and Aiden headed to a beach with Jeff, Katie and Mitch while I hung back nursing a cold (boo).
Breakfast in our jammies!
The joys of a private balcony. :)
Family dance party! I got some cute videos, too.
"Hi, Bahamas!"
Cookies by the pool! Is there anything better? (Actually, yes. Endless soft serve by the pool.)
And the last fedora picture of the trip. What a great time we had! Thanks, mom and dad!!
And because what is a cruise without professional cruise photography? I give you gold...