A Month of Thanks: Part II

Monday, November 21, 2011

As I stated in my last post, I'm breaking this month of thanks challenge into three posts. So here goes the second one!

November 11
I am thankful for my wonderful friends. I am thankful that my best friends from high school and college are still my best friends today. I am thankful that our times spent together always include hours of laughing.

November 12
I am thankful for the way Adam and I handle our finances. We are lucky enough to have a financial planner (at 23, I know), and although we don't have many finances to plan, the lessons we've learned are priceless. I am thankful for our little 'nest egg' we've saved up, and I am so thankful that we have absolutely no debt. 

November 13
I am thankful for Adam's patience. I am thankful that, while I am ridiculously impatient and impulsive, Adam rarely loses his cool and always knows how to calm me down. I can't imagine having to live with someone like me, let alone love them, but he pretty much rocks it on both accounts.

November 14
I am thankful for our health. I am thankful that other than getting sick here and there, Adam and I are overall very healthy individuals. I am thankful that we both have the motivation to go to the gym and take care of ourselves. I am thankful that our lives don't revolve around doctor's appointments, as so many do.

November 15
I am thankful for technology. I am thankful that because of technology today I have the opportunity to keep up with friends and family who don't live near us. However, I am also thankful that I have not forgotten the meaning of face-to-face contact amidst all of the technology we have available to us.

November 16
I am thankful for our troops. I am thankful that our beautiful country is protected 24/7/365 by the most selfless group of individuals in the world. I am thankful for every soldier that comes home safe, and I weep for those that don't. I am thankful for every second they spend away from their families to protect ours.

November 17
I am thankful for the roof over our heads. I am thankful that Adam and I have been fortunate enough to live in the world's most fun apartment. I am thankful that we are now moving into a house (renting!), that has a backyard for Ruthie to play in. I am thankful that we will be able to transform this space into a home.

November 18
I am thankful for the food on our table. I am thankful that Adam knows how to cook, otherwise we would both go hungry! I am thankful that we don't have to worry a lack of food.

November 19
I am thankful for travel. I am thankful for the amazing places I've visited, and for the many more I hope to visit in the future. I am thankful for the abundance of beauty and cultures this world has to offer. I am thankful for the advances made that can take us all over the world in a matter of hours.

November 20 
I am thankful for hobbies. I am thankful that Adam and I both enjoy things other than just work. I am thankful that we both have separate and similar hobbies, because let's be honest - it's unhealthy to do everything together. I am thankful for Adam's love of hunting, and my new found love of crafting!

Until next time!

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