Sage Wedding

Friday, June 7, 2013

This past weekend, Adam was a groomsman in one of our close friends' weddings. Adam and Chad played baseball together at North Georgia, and I would hang out with their group when I went to visit. I have always loved both Dallas and Chad, and we were both so excited to celebrate them finally getting married (they've been dating for 9 years!).

It was a pretty eventful weekend, to say the least. On Friday, we met one of Adam's friends so they could head to rehearsal up in Gainesville, as I was heading to the Atlanta Food and Wine Festival for work (isn't my job so terrible?!). This massive pipe was kicked up from a truck in front of us and came right at us. I just closed my eyes and tensed up (rule #1 of what not to do when you're about to get hit), so it's a good thing Adam drove. Thank GOD the pipe hit my bumper and hood rather than coming through the windshield. We then swerved all over the road and luckily didn't kill anyone... including us. My immediate thought was "I thought that was going to crush my windshield!" while Adam was under the impression that we just barely missed death - he thought it was going to come through the windshield and kill us both. Thank you Jesus that the only thing hurt was my car - and only vanity issues, nothing that would affect it driving.

After that interesting start to the weekend, I headed down to Atlanta for the festival. I'm guessing that because it was Friday afternoon is the reason it wasn't very crowded. It was GLORIOUS. I hate lines and there were none! Tons of delicious food and wine (hence the name... get it?!). The only thing I didn't like was how the festival was separated out by protein - one whole line of tables was pork, one was BBQ, etc. I would have rather seen them separated.

Enjoying the day with Ashley and Kim

Love Chef Timon and everything he does for No Kid Hungry!

And while I could have gone home and to bed after that, it was time for me to make the hour trek up to Gainesville for Dallas and Chad's rehearsal dinner. I love rehearsal dinners - there's always just so much love in the room.

I didn't know any of the girls besides the wedding party, so I decided to go home Friday night while Adam spent the night so he could do groomsman-y things with the guys on Saturday. The next time I saw him was at the wedding where he just looked so handsome in his suit!

LOVED their program


The wedding was gorgeous and the reception was so fun! Their original reception venue closed down three weeks prior to the wedding, so it was a mad rush finding a new place. (I think I would have just thrown my hands up and said "No wedding" if that was me!) The new place, Cottrell Circle C Ranch, was so amazing I can't even imagine what the original place was like!

Love these boys

Favorite groom!

Troy was a groomsman in our wedding, too! Love him.


My new instant best friend. Whitney was too much fun!!

Even though I had to be up at 5am to head to the airport (oh,yeah) I was somehow coerced into going to the bars with the bride and groom after the wedding. Yep, I got in at 3am and my alarm went off at 5am to head to the airport - that was fun!

In the end, it was so worth it! You can sleep when you're dead, right? Congrats to Challas!

1 comment:

  1. I was a little hesitant to book this place as my reception venue at first because it was more of an unknown place. But this place turned out to be the best choice we made.


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