Brent was the Best Man in our wedding, and Adam was one of the chosen few who made the short list of Groosmen for Brent's. The wedding was at the Wagner Vineyards in Lodi, NY. Where, you ask? It's about a 1.5 hour drive from Rochester, in the Finger Lakes. It was a beautiful part of the country, and we were excited to check out a new place.
The wedding took place on Friday, and I felt like an honorary groomsmen (sorry, guys!). I was staying at the Boys Cabin, with Brent and the other groomsmen and basically followed them around all day. The other wife, Emiley, is pregnant and spent most of the day relaxing (well deserved - she has two little boys at home, too!). Before we knew it, we were getting dressed to head out to the big event.
Beautiful backdrop for a wedding.
The Greers! We were so honored to be there for their big day.
Emiley and I got a little chilly - thank goodness for husbands with jackets!
The beautiful bride! It was my first time meeting Julie, and we hit it off right away. Can't wait to see her again now that the wedding craziness is over.
After a quick two nights in Lodi, we got up Saturday morning and headed back to Rochester for the quick flight to NYC. Adam had never been to The Big Apple and I was beyond excited to be there with him!
We dropped our luggage off at the hotel and headed out to see a few of the nearby touristy spots.
Up first... 30 Rock and Times Square! (Adam was such a good sport letting me take all these pictures of him.)
Grand Central Station
Once our room was ready, we headed back to our basecamp for the next two nights - the Waldorf Astoria! My mom was sweet enough to cover the difference from the original hotel where we were planning to stay - my "commission" for sending her so much travel business. :) A girl I work with happens to live in NYC and was making me a list of must-visit restaurants and bars, and once she heard we were staying at the Waldorf she called and had us upgraded to a King Suite!
We felt very fancy! When the Front Desk gave us our key it said '15V', and we weren't really sure what that meant... until we got off the elevator. (Getting fancier!)
Our room has double doors!
Anddd that's the last picture I took of our room. Oops! It was so beautiful and the bed was insanely comfortable. I don't think Adam was able to really appreciate it, because he's never seen a typical NYC hotel room!
I noticed my first night in Lodi that I forgot the outlet adapter for my breastpump - nooooo! I panicked, but Amazon Prime saved the day and this was at the hotel when I arrived. (How fancy is that envelope? I'm telling ya - FANCY.)
We met up with Christine for a drink at The Crow's Nest and then over to Tonic. I love a good rooftop bar situation, and both of these fit the bill.
For dinner, we headed to Lombardi's. "Apparently" it's America's first pizzeria.
We walked around Little Italy for a bit before we tapped out and headed back to the hotel. We couldn't hang - we were exhausted!
Check out this view from our hotel window - the Chrysler Building!
The next morning we headed to Little Collins for a quick breakfast. This was toast with pb&j...and coconut flakes! So simple and delicious.
We navigated the Subway (hooray us!) and made it to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. I had seen the memorial before, but the last time I was in the city the museum wasn't built yet.
The museum was a must for every American. So heart-wrenching, but also so interesting. You will spend the entire time crying or choking back tears.
After about two hours in the museum, we made our way to the water so Adam could see the Statue of Liberty. He had no desire to actually go (thank goodness), so a quick look sufficed.
We then made our way to Grand Banks for cocktails and lunch. It was adorable - a restaurant on a boat! And I had literally the greatest cocktail (wine-tail?), ever - The Skipper Key.
On Pier 25, after lunch. That's the Freedom Tower in the background.
Being so city and figuring out the subway.
We specifically made our way to the Upper West Side just to grab some cookies at Levain Bakery... until we came upon this line. The cookies are good, but not that good! It was a bummer, but we just moved on to Central Park.
Central Park was beautiful and fun to walk through! We saw a fun little roller skating club, and they were a blast to watch.
Someone told them it was our anniversary, so the hotel sent up a bottle of champagne! We felt so fancy sitting in our robes drinking champagne. (It was also the first time I saw Adam in a robe, which was hilarious.)
Downside to traveling with just two people, there's no one to take pictures!
We did find someone to take our picture in the lobby - A for effort, I guess.
We grabbed dinner at a pub recommended by Nathan and Meagan, The Long Room. We really just wanted some normal, cheap (ish) food - and the pub did the trick! Adam wanted to see Times Square at night, so that was our next stop.
This is Adam's "you're the worst at taking selfies" face. Haha.
We ended the night at Refinery Rooftop. It was a beautiful bar and a beautiful night - what more could you ask for? Oh, maybe this view of the Empire State Building!
I loved seeing the city lit up for the 4th of July!
The Waldorf Astoria! I'm so glad we were able to stay at this historic hotel before it gets turned into condos next year!
We were up bright and early (like 5:15am, barf) on the 4th of July to head home to our munchkin. I told Adam I was nervous how she was going to react to seeing us, and she did not disappoint. She was in her carseat and Adam opened the trunk to put the luggage in. She saw him and immediately started crying! But in a " Daddddy! It's YOU!" kind of way. We had to get her out for some snuggles before we made the trek back home.
We spent the rest of the day relaxing, until dinner at the Causeys with our patriotic little babe!
I may or may not have mentioned how much I missed Aiden every thirty minutes, but it really was an amazing weekend. Adam and I had felt so disjointed lately. It's hard to make time to work on your marriage when you work full-time and have a baby, but man is it necessary. I honestly don't know how people do this whole marriage thing without putting God in the middle of it. So a big shout out to Jesus - thanks for pulling our hearts closer to you, and closer to each other.
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