Let me preface with this. I don't care who you are, the first trimester is full of anxiety. Even though I feel 100% at peace about this pregnancy, it's easier said than done to just not worry. You worry. I tried to not let it take up any of my mind space (is that a word?), but I can't help it. It's always there.
The more I thought about our first ultrasound, the more annoyed I got about how not special it was. I get that it's just her job to do the medical part of it, but it should also be her job to make it feel special for us. She even asked if it was our first pregnancy! With that in my mind, I went into my second appointment knowing I would ask for another ultrasound (even though I'm only supposed to get one more at 20 weeks). I had this whole spiel I practiced about how disappointed I was the first time, blah, blah, blah.
During my appointment, Dr. Chappell found the heartbeat with the doppler (basically an ultrasound wand without the TV) and said it sounded great! Of course, that was such a relief. (Plus I just really love and trust my doctor. She's so matter-of-fact.) I timidly asked if it would be possible for me to get another ultrasound while I was there. (So much for that forceful spiel.) She immediately told me they couldn't bill my insurance for another one, but she would definitely ask the ultrasound girl if she was available and they'd do it anyway. After giving away half my blood, the nurse came in and said I could do it! And the icing on top? Adam has this week off work and was in the waiting room! She went out and got him and we went in for the super quick ultrasound.
Except it wasn't super quick! It was a different ultrasound tech and after giving her (a much nicer version of) my spiel, she told me I didn't have to worry because the-tech-that-shall-not-be-named just retired! She was fabulous.
As soon as she put the wand on my belly, there was Chip. Our jaws dropped. It was absolutely surreal. S/he was in there dancing around! We saw everything - the head, the tummy, the arms, legs and even the tiny fingers and toes! It was like 10,000 pounds had been lifted off my shoulders. There was our baby! Our perfect, squirmy baby!
The ultrasound tech (I must learn her name. She's my new best friend.) walked us through everything. It was hard for her to get a clear picture because of the dance party! She also let us listen to the heartbeat (a strong 173!) for a solid 10 seconds. We were just completely in awe. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. It was so perfect.
This is only a 4 week difference! Chip went from a little blueberry to a moving and grooving lime in such a short amount of time!
Baby's the size of a: Lime! My mom celebrated with her daily vodka/lime concoction. No more webbed fingers and toes for this little babe!
Total weight gain: Nothing, yet! According to the doctor's office, I lost a pound. (But I also took off my boots this time.)
Sleep: Still sleeping a LOT.
Best moment of this week: See above!
Miss anything: I actually really wanted Drunken Noodle (a Thai dish) this week, but it comes with bean sprouts and apparently I'm not supposed to eat them. And I don't trust the language barrier to keep them out.
Food cravings: Same. Wendy's Frosty, FroYo, PB&J sandwiches… Adam's a saint (as we all know) and drove all the way to Pinkberry last night to get my favorite FroYo and more for me to make later!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Apparently my dad's driving, because I got sick on the way to lunch this weekend.
Symptoms: More and more energy! Hope to make it to the gym this week or next. I have to have a snack right before I leave to walk the dogs and immediately when I get home. Otherwise I get sick. (By the way, these walks are typically only 1 mile long. It's not like I'm going on a marathon.) Also notice I get dizzy if I try to get up too fast. Guess I'll lay in bed forever!
Have you started to show yet: See above. I'm gonna go with a no.
Gender: TBD! I keep calling it a "he", but don't know if that means I subconsciously think it's a boy or not.
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been on cloud nine since yesterday!
Looking forward to: Finding out if our Chip is a boy or a girl!
And now I'm learning how to use iMovie to make a little slideshow of all our fun bebe videos and pictures. You can add music to it, so I added "All That She Wants" by Ace of Base and I cannot stop laughing. And that's how I'm finishing my perfect post.
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