26 - 28 Weeks

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

26 Weeks: May 12

Baby's the size of a: Head of lettuce and her eyes start to open this week!

Sleep: Still tossing and turning, but thankfully not getting up to pee (much...yet).

Best moment of this week: ADAM FINALLY FELT HER MOVE!!! After a little scare on Saturday morning, she decided to spend the entire evening doing gymnastics. We are so in love with this little drama queen.

Miss anything: Cocktails and white wine are starting to look pretttty refreshing in this warm weather.

Food cravings: Still nothing crazy...

Anything making you queasy or sick: When I do start feeling queasy, I force myself to eat some protein (even though the thought/act of eating almost makes me barf). It's amazing how much better I feel almost instantly! I'll definitely try this out if I have another traumatic first trimester with the next babe. 

Symptoms: It is getting HOT, people. A lot of people have warned me about being pregnant through the summer, and I'm starting to understand. It's going to be a looong three months. Also starting to get leg cramps in the middle of the night, but nothing too painful. 

Looking forward to: Our A/C bill this summer. (Just kidding, that's not going to be pretty.)

27 Weeks: May 19

Baby's the size of a: Rutabaga (a what?) and she's showing brain activity. Our little Einstein!

Weight gain since last appointment: 4 pounds (Total: 16 pounds)

Baby's heart rate: 140s

Sleep: Still tossing and turning. This whole "don't lay on your back" thing is really cramping my REM cycle.

Best moment of this week: Life in general has been pretty awesome!

Miss anything: Not really...

Food cravings: Vanilla/chocolate FroYo! Found the last remaining TCBY in Atlanta over the weekend and had my fill. Yum.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.

Symptoms: MY BACK HURTS. This just started Sunday and it only happens after I go for a walk, but it is pretty painful. Hoping I can find some ways to relieve it without cutting out the walking.

Looking forward to: Memorial Day Weekend fun with family and friends!

28 Weeks: May 26

Baby's the size of an: Eggplant and she's starting REM sleep - which means she may be dreaming!

Sleep: Still tossing and turning, but nothing too terrible.

Best moment of this week: Officially in my third trimester!

Miss anything: We celebrated my dad's birthday this past weekend, and it was bummer not being able to partake in a cocktail. A mocktail did the trick, though!

Food cravings: I've really lucked out by not having intense cravings for anything. Sweets still always look good, though.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing specific - leftovers still don't look too appetizing.

Symptoms: Good news, my back hasn't hurt since last week and I've still been able to keep up with walking. However, I slept on my neck weird and that's been causing a lot of pain lately. Joy.

Looking forward to: Meeting our little girl in three short months!

Third trimester!

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